About the Mole on your land

The mole is a mammal of the family Eulipotyphla. It digs a tunnel system where it hunts its prey. It has 2 large hands at the front of its body that point outwards with 5 fingers and a large thumb on each hand, this is the digging end. It does have eyes, though very tiny, with only 2 to 3% vision because it spends most of its time working in the dark. The nose is one of the most important functions on it's body, with nerve endings helping it to find its prey.
This little mammal is a carnivore so it won’t eat your bulbs or young plants, but may root them up or disturb them when making its tunnel system. The mole has to eat at least two thirds of its body weight a day to survive. Each mole has approximately 44 teeth. When worms are plentiful the mole can bite the worm through the head and paralyse it to store for when times are hard. If you have got moles, you’ve got worms, if you have no worms, you have no moles. Most gardens will have worms, therefore most gardens will have moles.
The mole on your land will be the European Mole (Talpa Europaea). The first signs of moles in your garden will either be surface runs (just under the grass) or molehills appearing. The mole digs tunnels and the mole hills are the spoil that comes from this digging. This is simply a trapping system that the moles run along, and find any worms that have dropped into the tunnels to eat. The number of hills in your garden can be a large number
or a smaller number but it doesn’t mean that you are inundated with moles, it may only be the one creating lots of mole hills. Time to find and employ a Professional Mole Catcher, just search our directory and find one near you.